Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reflections on Third Shoot- Saturday 13th
Finally, we managed to get all of Barney’s shots done! On Saturday, we mainly focussed on all the street shots, trying to get a variety of shot distances to make it more interesting. We also re-did the establishing shots in a better light. We managed to get a range of shot distances on the Barney’s phone conversation, which was good, and Miss Blackborow gave us some ideas about taking more shots of Barney at the door, maybe CUs of him ringing the doorbell, looking around etc so we experimented with these too.

All these have worked have worked really well, and although the weather was rainy and cold again, we were well prepared for it this time. We remembered the mistakes we had made the last time, with the water smudge on camera and rain sound. To solve these problems we kept cleaning the camera screen to make sure there was no smudge and immediately after the shoot, we re-recorded Barney’s dialogue indoors so the rain sound would not affect it. We also recorded some atmospheric sound when the rain stopped so the sequence seems realistic. We stated filming earlier this time and made sure we worked more efficiently so the street sequence could all be shot in the daylight before it got too dark. This meant that we also had to retake the clock shots changing the time to 5pm rather than 7pm to match with the lighting. I think this shoot was quite successful and we definitely managed to get a lot more variety in our shots.

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