Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Monday, November 3, 2008

Creating a Horror Character

In many horror films, one of the main aspects that are there to frighten the audience and make them jump is the villain’s physical appearance.

Although make-up is usually used to make actors and actresses look more glamorous and beautiful, in horror films actors need make-up and sometimes temporary plastic surgery in order to transform their face into something much more terrifying.

Make-up Techniques

-Use alcohol based make-up colours
-Masks made of latex can be used as well as make-up- these allow you to create scars, wrinkles, warts and wounds.
-Cast and mould the masks
-Theatre blood is useful as it does not dry but remains wet and shiny
-Gel blood is useful if you want the blood to stay put, or stick around a would-it does not dribble
-Frothing blood capsules can be used in the mouth
- Special black tooth wax can be used to create the effect of missing teeth
-Glow make-up cream can be used to create a glowing supernatural green colour by night and a bright white in the day. It is often used on the villain or even skulls and bones to create an eerie effect.

My Interesting Findings!

When researching I found a company well known for its special make-up effects called Drac Studios. They have worked for movies such as Apocalypto, The Mask, The Passion of the Christ as well as the Oscar award winning Dracula. The team is made up of three main members Todd Tucker, Harvey Lowry and Greg Cannom.

They say that today, because High Definition has become so widespread, make-up artists have to pay a lot of attention to the detail so that it looks realistic especially in the CUs. For this reason, their company has developed their own unique silicon make-up appliances which no-one else has. As a result, they won the Technical Achievement Award as their products have dissolvable edges. This means you cannot see where the skin ends and where the make-up starts. How cool is that?

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