Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Initial Idea
My idea is about a man who has had a very scarring childhood. He is full of so much hatred and revenge that he takes it out other children. In the film, he disguises himself as a teacher in order to carry out the murder of different children.

This would class has a horror film due to its themes of revenge, murder and disguise. It would also consist of gore and violence.

It would be easy to film as it is set in and around the school.

The Opening Sequence
The opening sequence could consist of a teacher in his office with his mark book. Everything seems extremely normal. He has a short conversation with another teacher who then leaves the room. We then get a view of his mark book inside which there are pictures of children, some of which have been crossed out. We see flash backs from his childhood (a boy being bullied for example). He then crosses out another child in his mark book, picks up a knife, and leaves the room. I think this would be quite a unique storyline with a great twist.

It may be slightly complicated as we would need to film after school and so we might not have enough time. It may also be hard to find an actor for the teacher role, but we could consider this idea.

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