Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Friday, January 23, 2009

Audience Feedback
We held a proper screening this week with people within our target audience and I think it went extremely successfully. We had a turn out of about 40 people and gained much constructive feedback:

Here is a summary of our findings:
>15year olds: Overall liked the set but disliked the dialogue

>16 year olds: Liked the music but disliked the dialogue

>17 year olds: Liked both the music and characters but disliked the dialogue

Here the common trend is that most people liked the music the most and liked the dialogue the least.
-Overall we received an average of 8/10 from the boys who all said that they would watch the film

-We received an average of 9/10 from the females with a few 7s however many of the girls were not very fond of the horror genre.

I also held an Audience screening at home with my cousins aged 20-30 years.
Both the males and females gave it an average of 8/10. This shows that it appeals to both males and females from the older end of our target audience too. Some quotes from my cousins were:

‘The girl looks evil’ Female (aged 22)
‘The final shot where she picks up the knife looks really good’ Male(aged 19)
‘The final shot is over-dramatic’ Female (aged 24)
‘The music is really good!’ Male (aged 19)

Overall, everyone suggested that the dialogue could have been better. We thought the dialogue would have helped the audience make sense of what was going on but it seems that the cross cutting made the relationship between the male and female obvious enough. If we were to re-make the opening sequence we could either get rid of the dialogue or improve it. This is something to keep in mind for the future. Other than that, I think the screenings were definitely a success and I am extremely happy as most people really enjoyed our sequence and we received much positive feedback.

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