Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Week Back –Editing
Editing this week has been quite hectic as since getting feedback from both Miss Thrasher and Miss Blackborow, we noticed that there were quite a lot of little things we still needed to sort out including:

- Lighting on a few of the shots
- Credits- font and colour
- Final title
- Barney’s dialogue
- The glitch in music in some places

I found the teacher feedback was really useful as they managed to notice things that we couldn’t, for example, some shots were a few frames to long and needed tightening up for perfection, and that the opening fade was not long enough and didn’t give the audience enough time to take things in. It is always good to get feedback from an audience’s perspective and therefore we made sure we got a lot of feedback from lot of different people to make the sequence look as best we can.

As usual, due to clashes with the other classes, I did not have many free periods to spend on editing but as a group we were very productive during our lessons making quite a few changes to the sequence including:

- Adding a cross dissolve at the beginning between the establishing and shower shot
- Adding a cross dissolve between the stepping out the shower and pan of dressing table shot to take the audience in more slowly.
- Cut the music so that its original end is where our sequence ends
- We brightened, but then decided to get rid of two of the lipstick shots (picking up and applying shot)
- Instead, we went back to all our original shots finding an even better lipstick popping shot with great lighting and used the single shot instead. Miss Blackborow thought this was a good idea as she said it shows that applying the red lipstick was part of this character’s rituals.
- We also scrapped the final shot of Laura’s evil smile as the knife shot seemed much more dramatic and of better quality.
- We added slow motion to the final knife shot- this is personally one of my favourite shots now, I think it is extremely effective and looks much more professional.
- We re-arranged the order of the shots into an order that makes more sense, so the tying up dress shot is followed by a similar distance shot of Laura on the phone.
- With the help of Mr Deans, we also changed the lighting on some of Barney’s shots, as it was obvious that they were shot on different days.
- Alice also cut the sound on Laura’s dialogue so there was less of a pause before Laura says ‘…for dinner’
- Mel spent quite a lot of frees working on the sequence and managed to sort of the volume level of the music and dialogue so that the music does not drown out the dialogue, but also, so the dialogue sounds natural, therefore not too loud or not too quite, depending on the characters distance from the audience.
- The title now is also on a plain black backround as Miss Blackborow said it took the audience's attention off the knife, which is meant to be the climax of our opening sequence.

As I could not edit much in my frees, I spent my free period looking through the sound effects for good footstep sounds or sounds for a man screaming as we considered this for effect at the end. However, I was not able to find any sound effects that would go in our sequence. I also went through the fonts on to look for a suitable font for our credits. I found quite a few and saved the best ones to show Mel and Alice in the lesson. We all finally agreed on using a font called Black Chancery as we all thought this was easy to read but at the same time sophisticated and matched our final title. I was very happy that we finally found a font as feedback showed that our credits were one of the major problems in our sequence.

Finally, after one long productive week we were ready for our first screening, Friday after school. This was quite exciting as we were able to see our sequence on the big screen but also meant we could spot more faults in it. Overall, however I was very pleased with this screening as we managed to receive a lot of useful feedback, which means we already know what changes we need to make come Monday morning!

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