Love you to death

The Preliminary Task

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Reflections on the Screening
We had our first Screening on Friday, which was very successful as we received both some good constructive criticism as well as feedback on works well. After this screening, the main feedback we received was that:

- The font colour looked too student-y due to the red glow
- The opening shots are a bit rushed
- The lipstick shot is too quick
- The volume of Barney’s dialogue needs to be increased slightly in one of the shots

We have already started making some changes for example we changed the font colour to a more professional looking grey colour. We also extended some of the shots to slow the pace down.

Things the audience liked included:
- Music
- Mis-en-scene
- Last shot
- The final title

I am really pleased with this feedback, especially as now we know exactly what to change before our Tuesday deadline. I am sure we can make most of the changes tomorrow. Mel also pointed out that Laura looked slightly yellow in some of the shots so we may have to sort out the colouration slightly as well.

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